So Makeup and Me…

So it’s Makeup Monday!!! Anyone who knows me knows I love makeup. From a sweet beat to a full on slay, I’m here for it. But wherever did my love for makeup begin… ? Well before the current days of Instagram makeup, rampant FB Makeup live videos, my love of cosmetics began in the early 80s (telling my age) with my mother’s Artistry cosmetics… She never wore a lot of makeup but when she brought those into the house, I immediately fell in love with it. I loved to go into the bathroom and dip into those dark blue compacts of eye shadow and blush. I can only imagine that since I had NO ideas about makeup application other than seeing women with it on I was quite a sight! I would play in it SO much… I’m not even sure my mother even wore it! I recently asked her about it and she doesn’t even remember the stuff. Amazing how something can be big to one person and not even a blip on the radar to others. I remember being in elementary school and having friends (Angel, Sherise and Monica) over once to hang out, and I ‘expertly’ applied everyone’s makeup and they were oh so impressed! I wish I had pictures because there’s no telling what we looked like. Sweet memories of childhood.

So fast forward to middle school when I first purchased a pressed powder from the drug store. I thought I was really doing something. My mother hadn’t really approved the purchase, but I sort of slid it in by getting my older sister Julie to also get one.She probably didn’t even want it. From then on, my personal love of the arts of cosmetics was able to publicly shift into high gear. In high school, my mom surprised me and ordered me some makeup from Avon… I was so excited! She bought me two eye shadow quads one with blues and one with earth tones. When I tell you, I would wear all four colors to school?? ??? Just all glammed up in Calculus class or band practice in the 90s.

So since then I’ve gone through many phases. The Fashion Fair years (Chocolate Raspberry anyone or was it everyone??) Flori Roberts (her Renaissance lipstick?? Yeeees!) Estée Lauder, Clinique, Solar FX, Iman, Estée Lauder… If they sold it in the mall, I probably wore something in its product line at one time or another. In college, I was introduced to MAC lipsticks by my roommate Sophie and I still love today a MAC lipstick today. I just got a new one last week. ??? Let’s not forget the Mary Kay Consultant years. Featured on this post are some of my through the years makeup looks! Please be kind.

So today there’s the present age of Corinthia being just this side of a makeup hoarder… At least I think I’m still on this side. ??? Seriously, I wouldn’t go that far, but I am a true MUE (makeup enthusiast). Next Monday, I’ll post about more of my makeup enthusiasm. Leave a comment below about your love, hate or indifference to makeup.

So I just have to add a couple of more current pics to show a little Glow Up… Can’t let my makeup rep be damaged!



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28 thoughts on “So Makeup and Me…”

  1. I remember the first tube of Film Noir I ever got from MAC. I don’t think they even sold it in stores then. I had to order it and have it shipped. Good times… and loving the blog!

    1. Girl… I’m going to get to that story eventually. Remember we both wore Siren and Film Noir. I was copying you because we didn’t have it in Mobile yet. I think we did order the FN. Over the phone! I still have that color but I don’t like how it looks on me now.

  2. This was good and smiled the entire reading it because I can see you saying every word! Your “Glow Up” is fabulous and I am jealous!! Just getting in the makeup game over here!’

  3. I’m trying to get into it! Unfortunately for me, it feels like work….and I touch my face to much…lol. But I’m definitely trying to find a basic daily look. Glad I’ve got a direct line in to SoCo! 😉

  4. I’m more of a CC Cream with a little powder on top of it with lipstick person. Anything more than that and I don’t have a clue what I’m doing. Now I have all kinds of eyeshadow pallets. I just don’t know what to do with them. 😂😂

  5. I really wish I had the finesse of doing makeup well. I am always so hesitant to wear it much. Growing up in “holiness” church, I never really saw my mom wear makeup. She would occasionally wear lipstick, but not often. My older cousin got me and another cousin into it, but I don’t think I ever picked up the skill set. I have to make myself put on lipstick most days. Although, thanks to you and NikkiFree, I have developed a lipstick and Ulta fetish. I do love MAC, but I am usually skeptical for spending a lot of $$ on something I may not wear a lot. Transparency – I have a compact from MAC that I have barely used that is 6 yrs old (YIKES). I need some in-person tutorials!

    1. I’m no expert but I love it. It’s relaxong. I did a full face while the baby napped today… It doesn’t even look great but I’m rolling with it!

  6. You brought back memories thatI had forgotten about! I’m just starting to wear make up on a normal basis, and I have completely fallen in love! If I go to Wal-Mart, I MUST go on the make up isle. I order it off of eBay, Amazon, and any where else I see it. It makes me feel glamorous! I have always been taught that I was beautiful with or without, but I don’t know; it just does something to me! I still haven’t mastered the art of contouring yet, but I’m working on it. Maybe some of you experience ladies on here can help me out! Love it!!!

    1. I think it’s key that women love themselves with or without makeup. It’s an accessory. I only wear it once or twice a week, so I am ok with my fresh face! It’s surely easy to buy and buy and buy. Especially if you watch tutorials….

  7. I used to be one of those folks who thought women wore make-up because they “needed it”. As I’ve matured and expanded my creative mind through photography, I now see it as an artistic form of self-expression. Like with other forms of art, many people will never feel what the artist was actually trying to express. #ExpressYourself

  8. I’m indifferent when it comes to make up. I like it. But don’t really do a full face now especially since I’m a PE teacher. When I was a classroom teacher, I wore more make up. The only time I really wear a full face is on some Sunday’s.

    But really, I’m good with eyeliner, lipstick, lashes, and powder to keep the shine away. You know I love my lashes. 😊😊

    1. Lashes, eye liner, lipstick and powder?? That’s not indifference. That’s love! 😂😂😂 Everyone doesn’t need or want a full beat every day or even ever.

  9. Wow! I guess I’m indifferent when it comes to makeup. I’m not into for a couple of reasons. First, when I was interested in it during middle school, my old-fashioned mother said that I had to wait until I was 16 to wear it. I lost interest & only wore it after then on special occasions. Secondly, my husband preferred the natural look so I’ve only worn lipsticks & lip glosses most of my life. Thirdly, now that I’m older & look at makeup tutorials with my daughter, I’ve grown to love it but I’m not confident on makeup application so you’ll usually catch me with just my basic gloss if I can remember to put it on before I exit my car for work. However, I am a big fan of a clean & clear face so my go-to products are MK’s 3-in-1 cleanser & moisturizer. 😊

  10. I truly enjoyed the read. I remember the makeup party lol. Well that’s what it turned into. You and Monica were the ONLY ones who ever applied makeup to my face!! I can just about imagine how grown we thought we were. I’ve never been big on wearing it. I went through my red lips and my Fushia by Fashion Fair lips 💋 and eye liner phase but that’s it. Now I’m down to digging for my carmex at the bottom of my purse lol. #YouAllAreBeautifulToMe

  11. So…you used me to get your first compact! I didn’t realize your love of makeup began that early. Glad I could help in that…lol

    1. Yep! We’d been on a YPD trip and for some reason, we were up in the Winn Dixie shopping center and we went into the store that is now Family Dollar but was a drug store I think. We had spending money left over.

  12. Nice blog I never really wore makeup until I had a personal session with you about Mary Kay. Thanks friend because of you I now wear makeup only on Sunday or if I’m felling myself. I’ll keep trying to slay 😂

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