So So Many Clothes…


So I am a girl who likes to look nice. I mean I do. I like to keep a healthy, trim body (although I can use a tune up currently in that area but that’s a conversation for another day), a cute hairstyle, nice skin and makeup, and I like to wear nice clothes. Let’s change that. I probably love to wear nice clothes. Not necessarily expensive clothes or big name brands because I have a mixture of price points but just something a little cute! Disclaimer: these are the things that I like to indulge in. Not that if anyone else doesn’t, that means they don’t look nice! Your look is your look!

So my mother says I got my love for clothing, shoes and purses from my paternal grandmother, and I always says thank God for my grandmama. I’m her namesake, so maybe I did glean my fashion sense such that it is from her. My grandmother Corinne was a fashion icon to me and others. She was very refined and classy. Not only was she fashionable, she was a wonderful professional seamstress who was the first black seamstress for the Mobile Opera and who raised my father and aunt with her seamstress gift. She was BAD, and she was always dressed to the tee.

Now I can’t say I’m always dressed to the 9s especially during this stay at home mom season, but I like to put my best fashion foot forward. I’ve gone through my fashion, trendy phases and also like a nice classic look. And let me just put this out there. I have a LOT of clothes… From so many pairs of jeans to copious dresses to suits and even tees, my closets and drawers and bureau and laundry room runneth over… and over and over. There’s almost always clothes in my possession with the tags on them. With the advent of online shopping and boutiques, it’s even easier to get great looks without the hassle of the mall.

So I am comfortable in jeans and a top which is my uniform most often, a suit and pumps, a maxi dress or a more fitted look, a FAMU tee and jeans or a denim dress. All good looks for me. How many of you share my love of fashion or think just as long as I’m covered up, I’m ok? Leave a comment on the blog and let me know your take on fashion: Yay or nay?Like it or lump it?

I’ve included some pictures here to show a few of my favorite looks over the last few years. Having a photographer as my spouse helps me document some of my favorite looks. ?












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19 thoughts on “So So Many Clothes…”

  1. In elementary school I had a classmate tell me “I didn’t know poor people wore Jordash[sp].”
    It STUNG! I was in 3rd or 4th grade. Immediately, I became very aware that 1 I was “poor” and 2 the lack of brands on my clothes revealed such. Wow. Now mind you, it wasn’t that I was ever raggedy , dirty or not stylish. I just didn’t have brand name stuff. I had very cute clothes. But I developed a strange obsession with wardrobe and image. I got so good at looking good that a lot of the people I was trying to impress, where impressed to the point of envy. Wow again. I still had no money but you couldn’t tell by looking at me. I am now and always have been friendly,nice, and considerate. But, being sharp was earning me haters (before the term was coined). I figured that kind of silliness and pettiness would stop being a problem after college. Wrong! Oh well. I’m glad I learned how to be a super stylist on a shoestring budget. It’s a talent and a gift. I too have way too many clothes, shoes and accessories. But hopefully one day soon I can lighten my load in my wardrobe… maybe then I can let go of some of the bad experiences I had centered around clothes.

  2. I love clothes and shoes too. I have fallen in love with the maxi dress and skirt look. I’m 5″2 so all of my maxi pieces have to be altered. I do a lot of my shopping online because I don’t like going in stores. I have Lupus and spend a lot of my time in bed due to the pain so it’s easier for me to pick up the phone and order pieces for church and appointments

  3. Very informative article! I’m loving every piece of clothing you are wearing. This blog will definitely be one of my favs ❤

  4. I hate shopping!!! I like comfortable and versatile clothing. Never really been much for what’s trending because I like what I like, which may not be what’s “in” at the moment, but I guess that’s just me. My LH & friends were(are) able to shop for me better than I can. But I’m trying to spread my wings.

  5. I like to look nice as well, I don’t shop as much as I use to, however I love to shop for special occasions and odd types of clothing.

    1. I have definitely cut back on shopping. It was pretty excessive at one time! You are always cute and stylish.

  6. I love clothes too. And purses. Now that I am in a sorority I find myself shopping even more, particularly for those colors. Any ol’ excuse….

  7. We share the same passion in this area. So much so I had to put myself on a shopping vacation. It hasn’t ended yet, but when it’s over….just watch 👀.

  8. I love clothes, shoes, makeup, and handbags as well. I get it from my grandmother as well as my father

  9. I love fashion as well. I love love clothes. I am in the starting over phase for my wardrobe. I gained some wanted pounds, which has taken me into a size I’ve never worn before…not even while I was pregnant. I love my new size and I’m having even more fun shopping for new clothes. I have years and years of clothing to replace💃😂

  10. I do love buying clothes, but sort of put myself on the back-burner after having the kids oh so long ago. I got so used to shopping for them first, that it took me a while before shopping for myself again. I’m finally getting back to that stage…sssshhhh don’t tell Dwayne. LOL I love to be comfortable and shops for clothes that make me look compliment my shape. Not that I dressed shabbily before, but my former boss definitely made me want to dress my best. She truly was a clothes addict (especially a good designer consignment find).

    1. I try not to over shop for my child. I hate to think of the clothes he outgrew without having a chance to wear them but seem to be more accepting of my clothes with the tags still on. 😂😂😂

  11. I definitely have a love of clothes and shoes. I think it started in high school. Before that I don’t think I cared.

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