So Corinthia…

So for years, my husband has encouraged me to start writing a blog. I guess either he finds me very interesting or thinks maybe it will take the pressure off his ears! I’ve always told him that I have nothing to talk about but he’s never bought that and neither would anyone who knows me. So recently I decided to give it a go after some further encouragement from a good friend and blogger NikkiFree. If you don’t follow her blog, you should!

I figure that over time, the blog will take some shape and move in some direction but as for now, I foresee any of the many subjects that crowd my mind on any given day: marriage, motherhood, fashion, Christianity, ‘people’, fitness and weight, TV, makeup and much randomness… I mean this is my mind all day every day. Full of ideas on many subjects… I can go from being super silly to moderately funny to super serious- All in a few minutes. Most of the thoughts never leave my head. Until now. So welcome to the thoughts in my head… This is just going to be so random, so fun, so quirky…. So Corinthia…

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68 thoughts on “So Corinthia…”

  1. Well, being my BEST friend for OVER 37 years, I know personally that you have an AMAZING take on such a wide variety of subjects, from social and economic issues, all the way to everyday life…..let’s not forget, being a new mommy! I can’t wait for the world to be affected by your uncanning way to make us laugh, cry, and THINK just a lil bit more! Congrats friend!

  2. This brings me so much joy and excitement!! You’re already one of my fave FB friends, so much so that I have you “starred” so I see your posts first!! Congrats!!

  3. Yes!!! I am excited for me and happy for you. I am not sure what you aren’t good at. I have tried to figure that out. So this is So Corinthia. I am so ready. Congratulations

  4. This is going to be so good…you already have interesting and funny things to say on your FB page. This should be just as interesting….can’t wait. Great idea!

  5. This is So Corinthia, I absolutley love it.My favorite sentence is the one when you say ” I guess either he finds me very interesting or thinks maybe it will take the pressure off his ears! ” That part is So Me lol, I have a million thoughts and opinions and I load my husband up too! I mean hey, thats what husbands are for right. Ok enough, much success, I love randomness, one of my favorite words. This is going to be great. . .

  6. You are extremely intelligent, full of the Spirit of God, and have something to say…go for it…but above all, enjoy it…empty your thoughts without fear…someone will always be listening

  7. I’m looking forward to your randomness. I’m sure to get a few laughs out of it as well as some enlightenment on some serious topics. Go, Co!

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